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FTC’s Non-Compete Proposal: FAQ

Posted on January 11, 2023 by and

Dear Ruder, we are getting lots of long emails from various sources about this proposed noncompete ban.  Can you please break this down in easy-to-read language so we don’t have to review the entire 216 pages of the FTC’s proposed rule? Dear Reader, Yes we can! See our answers to some frequently asked questions below! […]

FTC Announces Vote to Publish Proposed Rules that Would Ban All Noncompete Provisions Restricting Workers

Posted on January 6, 2023 by

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) started the new year off with a bang when it announced in a press release on January 5, 2023 that it is proposing a new rule that would ban many employee non-compete clauses. The press release follows a 3-1 vote by the FTC to publish a notice of proposed rulemaking […]

New Non-Disclosure and Non-Disparagement Restrictions – “Me Too” Movement’s Continued Impact on the Workplace!

Posted on January 5, 2023 by

The Speak Out Act (“Act”) became law on December 7, 2022.  The Act prohibits the enforcement of non-disclosure or non-disparagement provisions which are agreed to prior to an allegation of sexual assault or sexual harassment (“sexual misconduct”).  The Act applies to disputes regarding alleged sexual misconduct that occur after December 7, 2022.  A full version […]

OIG Identifies Seven Telehealth Fraud Indicators in Recent Program Integrity Brief

Posted on January 4, 2023 by

In a September 2022 brief concerning program integrity, the Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG) identified seven measures to identify providers who may present a high risk for improper Medicare telehealth billing.  These seven factors should serve as a guide to providers and their compliance officers when identifying potential fraud risk in […]

IRS Releases Mileage Rates for 2023

Posted on December 29, 2022 by

The Internal Revenue Service issued the 2023 optional standard mileage rates today for computing the deductible cost of operating an automobile for business, charitable, medical, or moving purposes.  The most notable change is the three-cent per mile increase for businesses. Effective January 1, 2023, the optional standard mileage rates for the use of a car […]

Compliance Officer Challenges and Frustrations Getting Board and Management Commitment to Compliance Culture

Posted on December 28, 2022 by

One of the biggest challenges a compliance officer faces is establishing a strong commitment to creating a culture of compliance and obtaining recognition–there needs to be a compliance “tone from the top” of an organization.  There are numerous potential challenges to getting buy-in for this concept.  This can create frustration for compliance officers aware of […]

Could Cookies and Other Tracking on Websites Violate HIPAA – HHS Warns Covered Entities About Tracking on Websites and Use of Vendors to Develop Them

Posted on December 20, 2022 by

Earlier this month, the United States Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Civil Rights (“OCR”), the organization that has jurisdiction over enforcement of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (the Federal law that we all know and love under the name HIPAA), released a bulletin (Bulletin) addressing the use of […]

Shaken or Stirred? Mixed or Blended?

Posted on December 15, 2022 by

When I meet with new clients I have them fill out what we refer to as our estate planning “questionnaire.”  Basically, a form that asks them to insert personal information on the first two pages and financial information on pages 3-5.  Page one asks about marital status and page two asks the potential client to […]

Nothing to Prove: Making the Case for Self-Proving Affidavits

Posted on November 15, 2022 by

In the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, I wrote a blog post on how to create a valid will in Wisconsin.  At the time, we were all stuck at home by government order, and many clients signed their wills without a notary public.  Signing a will without a notary public was a short-term fix during […]

Is Medicaid for a Spouse Possible Without Breaking the Bank?

Posted on October 26, 2022 by

Paying for nursing-home and long-term care can seem daunting when the cost can be $5,000 to $12,000 per month – or more. When a married couple is no longer able or willing to privately pay out of pocket for care and chooses to apply for Medicaid, it’s a complex process. The Medicaid agency must analyze […]