Nationwide Halt to Vaccine Mandate for Federal Contractors

By and
December 8, 2021

On Tuesday, December 7, a federal court in Georgia issued an order staying the vaccine mandate for federal contractors (“Mandate”). The Court ordered that the Defendants, which includes President Biden,

are ENJOINED, during the pendency of this action or until further order of this Court, from enforcing the vaccine mandate for federal contractors and subcontractors in all covered contracts in any state or territory of the United States of America.

Click here to read full order. This order follows a Kentucky federal judge’s grant last week of a preliminary injunction involving Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio.

What does this mean for your business? For the moment, the Mandate is not currently enforceable. However, it is unknown when or if the Mandate will ultimately be upheld. Employers who were preparing to comply may want to continue those efforts. We will keep you posted on future developments. In the meantime, if you are in need of legal advice tailored to your business, contact a member of our COVID team.

P.S. – We are also following the status of the OSHA ETS vaccine mandate that is currently stalled in the Sixth Circuit. This week the Biden Administration sought to “fast track” the case. However, the Sixth Circuit judges rejected that motion. We will keep you apprised on any movement in this case as well!

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