Scam Warning: Corporate Records Service Annual Minutes Form

February 1, 2013

State officials are warning Wisconsin business owners about “Corporate Records Service,” a company sending out formal-looking “Annual Minute Forms” to Wisconsin businesses in an attempt to collect confidential information and fees for unnecessary paperwork.
The Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions issued a news release earlier this week stating they have received numerous inquiries from business owners asking whether the form was a new filing requirement. The form is not a new filing requirement.
Corporate Records Service has sent out thousands of green envelopes to business owners across the country with the words “Important-Annual Minutes Requirement Statement” on the front of the envelope. Inside is an official looking form titled “2012 Annual Minutes Records Form” and a request for $125 to complete the “Annual Minutes Requirement Form.”
If you receive correspondence from Corporate Records Service or receive any other request for business information, please exercise caution before completing and submitting any documentation or paying any fees.

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