2010 Tax Relief Act Delays Individual 2010 Return Filing

January 7, 2011

Tax season for most taxpayers will begin on time, however, the Internal Revenue Service has advised many taxpayers to wait to file to allow the Service some time to reprogram its computers to reflect the 2010 Tax Relief Act’s changes. The taxpayers affected by Congress’s late passage of the Act are advised to wait until mid- to late- February, 2011 to file their returns. A taxpayer’s 1040 is due by April 18, 2011. The due date is April 18, instead of April 15, because of the Emancipation Day holiday in the District of Columbia – even if you do not live in the District of Columbia.
Taxpayers affected by the hold-up are those planning to file Schedule A, or claim above-the-line deductions for higher-education tuition and fees or educator expenses. If you have questions regarding the above, please contact Mary Ellen Schill, the author of this article, or any of the attorneys in the Employment, Benefits & Labor Relations Practice Group of Ruder Ware.

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