One-Year Delay for Pay or Play Does Not Affect October 1 Opening of the Marketplace (Maybe)!
By Mary Ellen Schill
May 20, 2014
The Obama Administration’s announcement of the one year delay for the employer shared responsibility requirements (the “pay or play” mandate) did not directly impact the October 1 opening of the health insurance exchanges (now known as the Marketplace). Last month I had the opportunity to sit on a panel at a public forum here in Wausau which discussed the Marketplace. The Wausau Daily Herald published an article about the forum, and an op-ed. Employers with less than 100 full-time equivalents in Wisconsin, while not subject to the pay or play mandate in 2014, might still decide to take their employees to the Marketplace in 2014, not to avoid a penalty, but rather to identify the extent to which employees are interested in what the Marketplace has to offer.
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